San Diego Weddings and Unique Portraits

Welcome to my archived blog space for Papaya Sky Photography. I ran Papaya Sky Photography part time in addition to my day job from the end of 2009 to 2012. After my son turned a few months old I decided to retire the business in order to focus more of my time on my two young kids and my day job.

For more information about what I'm doing now, please visit my current online portfolio website at
~Jennifer Gaughran

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Photo-a-Day 2011: Week 3, 50mm f1.8

I also did this particular project in week 1 for my free choice - it's really good practice for those times when you get in a spot where you don't have very much light and still need to capture the essence of the moment. Using a very wide aperture like f1.8 (or if you can afford the lens...f1.4 or f1.2) can be a challenge because the focal plane is so narrow. You can get some really cool shots by isolating key areas of the image (the eye is drawn to the parts that are in focus), but sometimes to get the cool shot you can also end up with a bunch of really bad shots where the focus ended up in the wrong spot. Practice practice practice!! :)

Monday: Gwinna in the grass
Tuesday: Steve and Gwinna having a great time at the park :)
Wednesday: Flowers Steve bought me for my birthday
Thursday: Baby Olivia Anne
Friday: Gwinna asleep in her crib
Saturday: The cat is kind enough to pose for me. I have taken many pictures of him where he looks noble, handsome, or evil. He has never looked cute.
Sunday: Callum takes a bite of banana. I just love his expression!! :)

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